I've always love sleep and I've known the importance of getting good quality sleep but this wasn't something I was tracking before. 

Before dealing with Adrenal Fatigue for the past few years, sleep was to be the number 1 thing that really helped along with low stress, good nutrition and supplements to support energy production in my body and this started my journey with learning more about my mitochondria and how to hack my biology for better energy production and doing more of the things that support, enhance and nurture my mitochondria

 Two years ago I started using my Fitbit daily and I started to track my movement during the day as well as my sleep and it was scary in the beginning looking at the stats that I wasn't getting restful sleep. And this started my journey of fine-tuning what worked and enhanced my sleep and getting rid of the habits that affected poor quality sleep. 

Below are a few things that I've done:

  1. Track my sleep using my Fitbit at night (there are also apps on the iPhone and Android phones available to do this so you don't necessarily need to use a Fitbit or apple watch to get this information.
  2. Never eat a heavy meal before bed
  3. Reduce my screen time Wear blue blockers at night Have magnesium before bed

  1. Move more and be outdoors early afternoon or evening
  2. Have a good healthy meal for dinner earlier and a healthy snack with good fats 2 hours before bed

  1. Make sure the room is dark and I use blackout blinds
  2. Wear an eye mask if I have too to get good sleep
  3. Have the room temperature around 19-21 for optimal sleep (Yes, I know how challenging this was over the hot summer days we have had here over this summer. )
  4. Don't drink just before bed if I know I have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet 
  5. Follow my bodies natural night rhythm - aim to be in bed by 1030 / 11, and not push past that catching my second wind to work late at night
  6. Taking my magnesium supplement at night to help with great sleep

9. Using low overhead lighting around the house at night 

10. Wear my blue blocker spectacles at night when I am indoors watching television 

11.Reduce my screen time at night after the sunsets

I continue to add to this list of things that help my mitochondria and my sleep quality so this is by no means an exhaustive list. 

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Ps: If you have not signed up for my free 5-day arm or leg mobility challenge or 3 -day wheelchair shoulder mobility challenge and would like to do so now, click on the link below and sign up to do it at a time of your choosing. 

Free Arm Mobility Challenge

Free Leg Mobility Challenge

Free Shoulder Mobility Challenge for Wheelchair User's