Over the years many friends, clients, and colleagues have always commented on my dedication and health habits to my nutrition and health.  

I've often been told: "Natalie, you make it seem so easy, with what you do with your nutritional and health regime!"

But here's the thing; being healthy, committed to health, and healing your body is a choice! Health, vitality, and having a strong, flexible body are my top values. 

The stronger the commitment to what you want, the easier it is to stay the course and dig deep when things are challenging or not going the way you want. 

Having worked in neurological rehabilitation for the last 24 years, I have seen the effects that stress causes on the human body. Chronic stress causes inflammation, and with enough stress over a sustained period of time with enough inflammation developing in the body, dis-ease starts. I've seen perfectly healthy people with high-stress work or life habits develop strokes!

This happened to me! At one stage when I expanded my business, I could see the signs on the wall. I was healthy but my work-life balance was not good. My work stress levels were off the charts and my body showed me multiple little signs that said: Keep this up Natalie, and you will be joining that statistic! 

That was my wake-up call. 

That things needed to change drastically. 

And I started to change my life slowly over the last 5 years. I needed to do it in a way that I would remain financially secure and adjust one piece of the puzzle at a time as I was ready. I went at my own pace. 

You get to implement change at your own pace!

Change and inviting change into your life is always your choice! 

I do believe, sometimes if you keep going down a road and if you keep ignoring the signs along the way, life takes the reins, stops you in your tracks, and makes you sit up and pay attention. 

So the choice is always yours. 

Do you push the stop button, regroup and make the necessary changes in your life that your body is asking from you? 


Do you keep going and wait for your life and your body to force you to stop, pay attention and eventually listen and do what it has been asking of you all along?

Remember you are always at choice

There is no judgement here! 

Why, because I know how things can feel as though they have crept up on you or come out of nowhere! 

That happens when your attention is diverted elsewhere. I know because that's what happened to me many years ago. I was so focused on the success of my business in the time of a massive expansion, that I forgot about ME, my health. Even though I still did all the right things, ate well, had good nutrition, took all the right supplements, remained strong. But the thing was I was pushing my body too far! I pushed my body further than it wanted to be pushed. Further, than it needed to be pushed. 

So, I made my choice!

What are you choosing for yourself? 

Thinking of you if you are in a time of crisis or a pivotal moment of change in your life

Love and Blessings 

Natalie xx

Ps: Are you ready to be Unleashed?

Click here if you would like to enquire about working together or if you'd like to know more about the Unleashed 6-month body-centric program starting on the 8th of September 2021