Creating a routine is very important. 

And an important part of that is carving out time in your day to focus on your goals. 

Figure out when in your day and or week when you will be able to fit this programme into your daily life and aim to stick to it. 

So this can be going for a walk or pushing your chair outdoors once a day, going for neuro physio once or twice weekly to work on your stretching and strengthening program, working on your strengthening program at home two to three days a week in between physio and or PT sessions 


Celebrate your wins along the way. 

Every step is an achievement. Allow yourself to pause and reflect either daily, weekly or monthly on your WINS and what you have achieved. Do what feels right for you. 

This is vitally important. Remember this is an important part where you acknowledge to yourself, "Yes I did it!" It's like ticking that task off on the sheet and saying to yourself, "Ok, what's the next step I need to take now?"


Take action every day towards your goal of increasing your mobility. Remember it's about little and often. 

Action is still action, no matter how small a step you take as long as you take a step. Remember planning is also an action step. 

Once you have created your plan, put it up so you can see it and follow it. 

We need repetition for learning and mastery, so this means doing the same task over and over again in as many environments as possible before tasks become automatic like walking, or self-propelling your wheelchair.  


There are times when we all find it challenging to keep focussed and on track with our goals. This is where having the right people in your corner to help keep you motivated, driven, focused on your goals and accountable to yourself. In rehabilitation, this can be your neurophysio, your personal trainer, your support worker, your partner, your friend. 


Not all goals are meant to be done alone. It took me a very long time to see asking for help as a strength, not a weakness. 

Now whenever I see myself slipping, or not keeping my focus or drive on my goals, I reach out to my accountability friends to help me get back on track. 

You see it is important to know that there will be moments when you may slip. the important thing is to learn to read the signs of when you are slipping and reach out for support quickly.  

So I want to leave you with a question today.... Ask yourself "What do you need to CHANGE in your daily routine that will help you achieve your mobility goal?" 

I hope that you have found this useful. If you have, click the like button on this post. Share this if you know someone who will find it interesting.featured image

Ps: If you have not signed up for my free 5-day arm or leg mobility challenge or 3 -day wheelchair shoulder mobility challenge and would like to do so now, click on the link below and sign up to do it at a time of your choosing. 

Free Arm Mobility Challenge

Free Leg Mobility Challenge

Free Shoulder Mobility Challenge for Wheelchair User's