Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to walk again with improved confidence, balance and muscle control so that you can go out independently by yourself for a massage, a hair appointment or manicure, meet up with your friends at the pub or for dinner, or go out independently with your friends, or children during holidays or weekend outings whilst your partner is at work or go out independently to meet your friends at the pub to watch a rugby or football game together?

I’d like you to ask yourself what it would feel like if you could go outdoors by yourself (without your partner, spouse, or caregiver) for a walk around your local shops safely with more control, balance, confidence and energy without the worrying about looking for benches along the way and needing to sit down to rest?

I know how challenging it can be to achieve this without the right support and guidance. So many of our amazing clients are highly motivated to achieve and create greater possibilities of what they are able to do for and by themselves, including what activities and places may be possible to access as a result of their increased mobility.

I wrote this today because I am motivated and driven to help as many clients as possible achieve improved mobility where possible after a congenital or acquired neurological impairment. Ad I have found over the years that these 10 key principles can really help with staying on track and achieving goals. 

I have outlined below the 10 key principles to help you achieve your mobility goals or any goal you set for yourself:


Dream a bigger dream of what you can achieve for yourself. This can be physical with your mobility goals or work goals or life goals

I know better than anyone else, how important it is to have big visions and goals to help you stay motivated. Even though you may not be able to see the vision being possible now, doesn't mean we can't put tasks in place now to help you work towards achieving this goal. 


Believe in yourself and what you want to achieve. 

Don't let people tell you that you can't do something! 


Get motivated to do it for yourself or for someone else who gives you the motivation. For example your partner, or your children or your family or your friends. 

Figure out how to stay motivated and what this might look like for you. 


Be open to how you achieve your mobility goals. 

This is the one thing that I have found fascinating observing on my own journey with cultivating a success mindset. Try different things even though at first they may feel scary or weird. I have found in the past that is was the fear of the unknown that held me back the most. Now, I acknowledge those feelings and do them anyway.

Very often we get stuck in our comfort zones, working with someone 1-on-1 will help to change this as you will be challenged to do things you currently are not doing. This is something that neuro physiotherapists are very good and skilled at doing. Your therapist may have a suggestion that you may not have thought about. You might like doing things in a particular way, but mixing things up, trying different tasks that challenge you, in the same way, may be just what you need. The brain likes novelty, it pays attention to the new things that haven't been done or tried yet and when you do something differently it will also pay attention and learn. 


Get disciplined and stay disciplined. 

Figure out what works for you. 

Do you work better with someone who will help you stick to your programme and goal like a friend or your partner or do you work best alone? 

Ps: If you have not signed up for my free 5-day arm or leg mobility challenge or 3 -day wheelchair shoulder mobility challenge and would like to do so now, click on the link below and sign up to do it at a time of your choosing. 

Free Arm Mobility Challenge

Free Leg Mobility Challenge

Free Shoulder Mobility Challenge for Wheelchair User's