This is a so true both physically through your body as well as emotionally and this affects how the body functions especially the digestion.

  • Toxins
  • Bacteria
  • Parasites
  • Fungi
  • Gluten
  • Wheat
  • Dairy
  • Sugar

Plus unresolved emotions held in the body will influence how the body feels, reacts, functions, how quickly it responds, how energised or sluggish it is.

The more we hold onto emotional

The hurt, pain, disappointment, frustration, anger, resentment, betrayal

This all sits in the body and the body is continually keeping score of our thoughts and our unresolved emotions

You have more power over your body than you think

You have the power to choose what you hold onto and what you let go of

You have power and choice over your actions, how you show up for your body, how you treat your body, what you eat and don't eat, what you drink and don't drink,

You get to choose more than you know

What powerful choices are you making right now?

Are your choices empowering or enabling your situation?

Wishing you well on your transformational healing journey

Love Natalie xx