Maybe you can relate?

I remember being told over the years:

🔥You are too loud, be quieter

🔥You are too happy 

🔥Must you be so happy and smiley all the time?

🔥You can't wear that, put something else on and be presentable

🔥Are you sure you want to wear that?

🔥Don't show so much flesh, put on more clothes

🔥What would others think if you say that?

🔥Think before you speak because you don't know if you are going to hurt someone else's feelings 

⚜️Every time you listen to someone else's opinion or advice and you ignore yourself or that voice inside you, you are compromising on yourself. 

Damn, I know I did it for many years. 

⚜️Having been a people pleaser or a Yes girl in the past, I compromised in so many ways, and eventually, I got to the point where I didn't give a damn about others' thought because for once I did what I wanted not someone else. And I said what I wanted without considering how someone would take this. 

⚜️Where have you said yes to something when deep down you really wanted to say No?

It takes courage to listen to the voice inside you and choose you! It takes courage to put yourself first if you are not used to putting yourself first and you are used to putting the needs of others ahead of your own. 

Here's what I have learnt along the way, 

🔥No is a complete sentence!

🔥Your opinion of yourself and your actions is the only opinion that matters if you are being authentically you

🔥We are all responsible for managing our own feelings. 

🔥If someone says something and someone else is triggered. 

There is an opportunity and an invitation for that person to go in and have a look at why they are being triggered and do the work to heal the wound that is being triggered

So my message I'd like to share with you today is:

✨Don't dull your shine

✨Share your unique sparkle that you have been called to share

✨Shine brightly 

✨Shine all day long

✨Be Loud

✨Be You

✨Be Big -  Don't shrink your energy to fit in with others 

✨Be sexy 

✨Be sensual 

✨Be unapologetically You

✨Share your infectious laugh because it is contagious to others in the most amazing way

✨Share your magic with the world because the world wants what you have to share and the world wants to hear what you have to say

✨Smile brightly 

✨Feel your love for life and share your joy in everything you do 

People will pay attention when the real you shines🔥🔥

Love and Blessings 

Natalie xx

Ps: Are you ready to be Unleashed?

Click here if you would like to enquire about working together or if you'd like to know more about the Unleashed 6-month body-centric program starting on the 8th of September 2021