For so long my foot had always been on the gas
Going flat out
Learning to pause, lean in, let go felt like I was stationery
It felt like I was stuck
Stuck in the mud
But like quicksand, the more you struggle, the quicker you get sucked in and down and the faster the descent
The calmer you are, the more controlled gentle, and slower the descent
I had to get comfortable with going in deeper
I had to get comfortable with feeling stuck
I had to get comfortable with pausing, slowing down and in fact, being fully stationary going nowhere anytime soon
So instead, the deeper I went within myself
The more I opened
The more I paused
The more patient I had to become with myself and what was unfolding
The more I surrendered control because I knew was not in charge, I couldn't will it and or force it to happen any quicker for me
And like quicksand, I had to let go of frustration, that it wasn't happening quickly enough according to my timing.
I had to let go of the frustration that no amount of thinking about it would will it to change any faster
I surrendered to the fact that being in the void is where the magic and the transformation takes place that my soul seeks.
At that point, I fully surrendered control and allowed myself to be fully guided by the Divine
And for that, I am profoundly grateful
I love change
I seek the what's next
I know there is more Divine guidance coming through the more I surrender and every step I take on my divine path
What are you opening up to right now?
Love and Blessings
Natalie xx
Ps: Are you ready to be Unleashed?
Click here if you would like to enquire about working together or if you'd like to know more about the Unleashed 6-month body-centric program starting on the 8th of September 2021