There’s a lot of uncertainty at the moment outside in the world ...

A lot of it is scary

And yes we need to take things seriously around us

I get it

All the days seem to blur into one nowadays

Monday to Friday is no different from the weekend

Because we are at home every day

But the thing is no one really knows exactly how long lockdown is going to be!

Let me ask you a question, and come from a place of getting curious and not from a place of judgement because neither of them is right or wrong

What has had your focus during lockdown?

1. The news, Netflix, amazon prime?


2. Resting and recovering from co-vid and getting your energy and strength back


3. Movement around the house and continuing your physio rehab from home and engaging in connection with family, friends and loved ones

I know there may also be times when it might be a combination of 2 or 3 these depending on what is doing on for each of us right now

I am paraphrasing something my mentor shared something in our mastermind group a few weeks ago,

"Everything gets AMPLIFIED during a crisis. Whatever has been working well before a crisis will show it's strength and resilience in a crisis. And whatever that has not been working before will show its cracks, crumble and fall apart during a crisis"

So what is showing up in your mobility habits now during this worldwide crisis of the pandemic that is strong, well established and stable and unaffected by the crisis?

And what has revealed itself as an area(s) that need more attention, support, guidance, or investment in?

I’m not telling you whether you should do nothing or keep moving…

What I am suggesting is to see how you to use this crisis as an opportunity to see which areas around your mobility, health, or mindset are coming into the light that needs your attention right now.

Those areas that do need your attention, may include busting through rehab mental hacks, gaining support when you hit a stumbling block, taking aligned action with support as you work on your goals instead of someone doing things for you. These are not just for now but for the long haul on the other side when lockdown is over?

What showed up for a client of mine as needing more attention was the lack of self-motivation, pro-activity and leadership in her own ability to take action and implement her exercise plan in-between physio sessions even though she knew exactly what to do.

She said she wanted me to tell her what to and when

She wanted me to check in and make sure she was staying on track

She knew she couldn't do this on her own

She also knew that for the first 3 weeks of no therapy she actually got weaker, stiffer, more deconditioned and she got tired more quickly.

But what was incredible to see what a difference 4 to 5 weeks of regularly checking in and taking action has done for her!

What she has been able to achieve with the right daily guidance via zoom is just astounding.

She has gone from needing support to lift her arm into the air to be able to do arm exercises without help by herself with no hands-on help for 3 to 5 minutes at a time for a 15 - 20 minute period with 2 short rests in between.

She has gone from not know how to connect and feel into what her arm is doing to now knowing how to move her arm with more accuracy and precision with her eyes close even though she can fully feel in her arm when you touch her

Her arm movement has been repeated so much so that it has now become automatic and it's coming through into her everyday life. 

For example, lying in bed, she popped her hand behind her head and in standing, she turned the tap off using her arm without thinking, she reached out to hug her daughter with both arms.... This is magic that I just love witnessing

So what do you decide for yourself right now? So the question is, Wait for lockdown to be over and then restart your rehab or physio or continue your rehab in spite of lockdown?

Do you want to come out of lockdown more mobile and stronger?

Do you do it now on my own or wait for the lockdown to be over?

Remember, there is no wrong or right answer as it is all about you and what you want or need right now..... It is an invitation for reflection to help to get clarity of what this might be for you now

Love and Blessings 

Natalie x

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If you want to continue to progress on your arm or leg rehab right now, then click here 30-Day Rehab Program Series