Have you ever looked at your own body with awe and wonder? 

Your body is incredible 

Have you ever considered what your body is doing with every step you take?

Think about what is happening inside your brain

Can you picture how your brain and spinal cord work together to communicate your instructions to your muscles and your body so that it does what you want, when you want?

It is only when something changes that we reflect on this. 

Have you ever been intrigued by how your brain sends messages to your muscles in your legs and the nerves from your leg muscles send messages back up to your brain when you want to:

  • stand up
  • take a step
  • walk
  • climb the stairs
  • dance
  • jump
  • run or 
  • kick a ball 

The intricate nature of how everything works harmoniously in the body is what I find most fascinating as a physio. The brain knows just how much effort each muscle needs for specific tasks and it is incredible how the brain and body make complicated movements look so easy. 

Practice and repetition are what makes these complicated movements become automatic and easy. 

So practice more even though, it is repetitive this is what your brain and body need to work together

Love and Blessings 

Natalie x