I am also so intrigued by how the body works together. I an in awe. I am totally fascinated by the wonder and miracle of the beautiful body.
To fully heal, we have to look at the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects.
Since my water fast 2 months ago, I made a pact with myself and my body that I will listen fully and continuously moving forward and I won't question the information. I've always been a gut knowing / gut intuition kind of person, and the healthier my body the stronger my gut intuition.
So I've been paying much more attention to what my body is asking for in terms of help and focussing more deeply on my gut biome. Paying attention to what foods my body is asking for.
When your body is craving for something, but you don't really want it, that's not your body but the bad bacteria in the gut influencing things to help them stay alive.
We remember to exfoliate our skin regularly but how often do we exfoliate the gut?
I'm not done yet, I plan to continue this gut cleanse for another 2 months and committing to my body and what it is asking me to do is easy especially when I know how much more amazing my body is going to feel after the internal repairing and healing taking place.
What has been interesting is the feeling in my body after the physical, emotional and spiritual cleansing.
It's amazing when you let go of:
what was never yours to carry but you did anyway
what you no longer need to carry yourself
- Old Resentment
- Old Anger
- Old Frustration
- Old Fear and fear that was not yours to carry and habitual fear patterns
The body feels, acts and functions differently when you let go of what you no longer need to hold onto.
It is the most liberating and healing thing you can do for yourself
It takes courage to want to do this for yourself though and only you can decide!
Wishing you well on your transformational healing journey
Love Natalie xx