What simple strategies can I implement? 

Below are some of my morning practices: 

Gratitude practice 

Lemon water on rising to kick start liver 

Body brush before your shower to kick start lymphatic system 

Deep breathing on waking up focussed on diaphragmatic breathing helps to stimulate the lymphatic system Deep breathing strengthen immune system, oxygenate blood, parasympathetic nervous system 

Gratitude helps connect more from your heart 

Meditation and Cultivating a spiritual practice daily 5/ 10/ 15/ 20 or 30 minutes 

Remember, healthy mind-healthy body, so see what works for you. Strategies can be really simple.  

Remember that the body needs to be active in the calm nervous system in order for healing to take place.  

Have a little think about what will work for you and fit into your routine. 

What will you be implementing in your morning routine to support your body?

Wishing you well on your transformational healing journey 

Love Natalie xx