For so many years in the past, I chose the hardest route, the most challenges in life, in my relationships and in work. I looked at patterns and my mindset at the time to see how they could be influencing things.

I believe in looking for the silver lining, for the gift of each situation, relationship, and experience. I've always thought that, so instead of feeling sorry or sad for myself, I looked for the gift and learning in every challenging situation. I have built up a treasure chest of gifts I can draw on.

In times of transition, I see the learning and growth opportunity for me. I see the gift
This is a personal choice

In the beginning learning came the hard way with change and transformation being forced on me sometimes when I remained stuck in fear.

In time, I found change necessary but uncomfortable at times. The more I embraced change, the more I embraced the journey and the transformation. For the past 18 years, the more I embraced change, the easier the transition became.

We get to choose: the easy way or the hard way?
We get to choose: stay the same or grow?
If we choose to stay the same, sometimes growth is forced upon us

I see change as necessary, as welcome, as an invitation and opportunity for growth, expansion and personal transformation.

I choose to continue to up level willingly by asking myself: What is my next step I need to take?

Because I am a truth seeker
Because I question who am I becoming and what am I here to do now?
Because being the best version of myself is important to me
I am constantly up levelling
I am constantly growing with support and guidance because I choose the path of ease
I am constantly transforming into the person I am meant to me right now to serve and bring my unique mission to this world.

How you see things i.e. your mindset influences everything

I am currently in a time of big growth, change and transformation right now and have been for the past year. And I will share more about this in due time. I keep reminding myself this is an invitation and a choice and I will always choose growth for myself because something more amazing than I can ever imagine awaits me on the other side of this momentous change and transformation journey. It has always been the case.

It takes courage to say yes to change because you are allowing yourself to be vulnerable, to look at what is not working, to look at your life thus far, to be open, to reflect, to willingly shift, to consciously grow as you become a newer, better, brighter, more resilient, courageous version of yourself.
You get to choose: do this alone or with help?

I surround myself with others who are also up levelling and transforming in a supportive container, so that support and guidance and a different perspective is available as I face certain challenges and so that I can lovingly be held accountable when needed so I do what I say I am going to do. I choose mentors who walk the talk!

This is not a brag post, through my sharing hopefully this helps you look at your own situation and reflect on things in your life:

Maybe you've been called to change, but you are scared or fearful because you want to know what it's going to be like.

Are you a glass empty or full kind of person?
Your belief influences your perceptions, Interpretation, learning and your reality

When you embrace change and up level, the discomfort of staying the same outweighs the discomfort of the journey.

What are you choosing for yourself right now?
Are you choosing growth or staying the same?
There is no judgement if you choose to stay the same and if you are happy staying the same.

Are you embracing change or surrendering to it, or are you fighting change at every turn?
It can either be an uncomfortable or exquisite journey of celebration and transformation.

Where in your life are you willing to embrace change right now?

Start small or start big, you get to decide and choose for yourself!

Love and Blessings 

Natalie xx

Ps: Are you ready to be Unleashed?

Click here if you would like to enquire about working together or if you'd like to know more about the Unleashed 6-month body-centric program starting on the 8th of September 2021